Go the distance with this DIY craft inspired by Hercules.
What You'll Need:
- Cardboard sheets
- Zip ties
- Scissors
- Brown paint
- Yellow tape
- Silver metallic tape
- Pencil
- Paintbrush
- Pegasus templates
- Clear cording
- Clear shipping tape
- Green craft foam
- Mounting tape
- Assembly guide
- Awl
- Tape runner
- Glass bowl
- Craft knife
- Cutting mat
- Blue pool noodle
- Styrofoam wreath
- White waste bin
- PVC pipe
How to Make It:
- Assemble the frame out of PVC pipes using the assembly guide, then paint with brown paint.
- Dry-brush brown paint onto the cardboard sheets to add texture and give the appearance of wood grain.
- Using packing tape, form the pool noodle into a circle and secure, and then place onto the styrofoam wreath.
- Use a pencil to trace the styrofoam wreath form onto the cardboard sheet and then cut out the traced circle. Use the craft knife to cut along the top of the cardboard sheet to make it appear like a plank of wood.
- Trace the glass bowl onto the green craft foam and cut out using scissors.
- Cut out a hole in the green craft foam circle using the awl and string the clear cord through the circle, then tape onto the cardboard target plank using clear shipping tape.
- Use the mounting tape to adhere the rings made of the pool noodle and styrofoam wreath around the round hole in the cardboard target plank.
- Use a craft knife to cut out swords from the cardboard sheets.
- Use a tape runner to adhere the smaller piece of the sword to the center of the larger piece. Cover the hilt of the sword with yellow tape and cover the blade of the sword with silver metallic tape.
- Cut out the Pegasus templates and stick them onto the white waste bin.
- Poke holes on the side of the cardboard target plank using an awl. Use zip ties to attach the PVC pipes to the cardboard target plank. Cut off any excess zip ties with scissors.