If you’re ready to take a walk down memory lane with characters like Pocahontas, Grandmother Willow, and Chief Powhatan, look no further! We’ve gathered quotes from Pocahontas for your convenience! Let’s swan-dive right in, shall we?

“Father, for many nights now I've been having a very strange dream. I think it's telling me something's about to happen. Something exciting.”
“He wants me to be steady, like the river. But it's not steady at all!”
“But, Grandmother Willow, what is my path? How am I ever going to find it?”
“London? Is that your village?”
“This is the path I choose, father. What will yours be?”
“I'll always be with you. Forever.”
John Smith

“Well, that was refreshing.”
“It's perfect, Governor. The water's deep enough, we can pull right to shore.”
“Come on, men! We didn't come all this way just to look at it.”
“Well, it's not like I have much of a home to go back to. I've never really belonged anywhere.”
“What do you say to a tree?”
“No matter what happens to me, I'll always be with you.”
Grandmother Willow

“Good morning, child. I was hoping you'd visit today.”
“Oh, a dream! Let's hear all about it.”
“It seems to me this spinning arrow is pointing you down your path.”
“All around you are spirits, child. They live in the earth, the water, the sky. If you listen, they will guide you.”
“Don't be frightened young man. My bark is worse than my bite.”
“There's still some snap in these old vines.”
“Well, I haven't had this much excitement in 200 years!”
Chief Powhatan

“Yes, but there's one smiling face I don't see. Where's my daughter?”
“Seeing you gives me great joy.”
“You are the daughter of the chief. It is time to take your place among our people. Even the wild mountain stream must someday join the big river.”
“Your mother wore this for our wedding. It was her dream to see you wear it at your own. It suits you.”
“When I see you wear that necklace, you look just like your mother.”
“She is still with us. Whenever the wind moves through the trees, I feel her presence. Our people look to her for wisdom and strength. Someday, they will look to you as well.”
“You must choose your own path.”
Governor Ratcliffe

“Trouble on deck?”
“Don't lose heart, men. It won't be long before we reach the new world. And remember what awaits us there: freedom, prosperity, the adventure of our lives.”
“Look at it, Wiggins. An entire new world, chock full of gold, just waiting for me.”
“I've never been a popular man.”
“I'm doomed! I should be wallowing in riches by now, and I haven't found as much as a speck!”

“You'd better be alright because I'm not coming in after you!”
“Don't you think we're getting a little old for these games?”
“Pocahontas, you can tell me! I promise I won't tell anyone.”
“I lied for you once. Don't ask me to do it again.”

“Pocahontas can't keep running off, it's dangerous out there. Tell her that. She listens to you.”

“You know Pocahontas. She has her mother's spirit. She goes wherever the wind takes her.”

“A stirring oration, sir. I'm sure the men were most exhilarated.”
“And scores of adventures waiting for us, right, Percy?”

“Captain John Smith! I've heard some amazing stories about him.”
“I've never seen anything like it!”
Now that we’ve reminisced, it’s time to watch Pocahontas again! Stream it now on Disney+.