The beloved 1993 Disney film Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey has found a new home on Disney+! Chance (a scrappy rescue puppy), Shadow (a wise elderly golden retriever), and Sassy (a prissy Himalayan cat) set out on an epic adventure to return home. Along the way they encounter challenges that test their limits and ultimately bring them closer together. This film is packed full of memorable moments. Here are just a few!

1. The first memorable moment happens immediately: the film opens with the heroic main title score that is sure to pull on your heart strings. Film composer Bruce Broughton gave each of the three pets their own musical themes, which are used throughout the film. Listen closely! Can you pick out which theme belongs to which animal?

2. American bulldog puppy Chance seems to only ever have one thing on his mind: his next meal! In this scene, Chance scores a meatball while a chef is setting out a catered wedding dinner. Moments later, Chance tops it off by digging head first into the beautiful, homemade wedding cake gifted by the mother of the bride. Score!

3. The bond between Peter and his golden retriever, Shadow, runs extremely deep. While Shadow is attune to Peter’s thoughts and feelings, there are some facts that he cannot understand. While Peter hugs him goodbye, he says, “I know you’re sad. I wish I knew why.” *Heart melts*

4. At the onset of this adventure, it doesn’t seem like finicky Sassy, voiced by Sally Field, will make it very far in this trek over the mountains. Along the way she begins to discover her strength. It isn’t long until Chance is begging Sassy to use her fishing skills again and again. Sassy makes Chance sing for his supper, so to speak, by forcing him to say the magic words: “Cats rule and dogs drool!”

5. Chance, Shadow, and Sassy come across many new animals during their perilous journey through the Sierra Nevadas. Chance, voiced by Michael J. Fox, barks at every new creature he sees up in the trees. Sarcastic Sassy remarks, “Oh, right. Like if you yap at it, it’s going to come right down and ask you to eat it. Pitiful!” Well, Chance learned his lesson shortly after when he stuck his head in a log and got sprayed by a skunk.

6. As a leader, Shadow, voiced by Don Ameche, follows his instincts and takes responsibility for teaching the others to love and protect each other as well as their owners unconditionally. Chance complains, “But we didn’t ask for this job,” while Shadow quickly responds, “We didn’t have to. It’s built in. Has been ever since the dawn of time when a few wild dogs took it upon themselves to watch over man, to bark when he's in danger, to run and play with him when he's happy, to nuzzle him when he's lonely. That's why they call us man's best friend.” It is that sense of loyalty that leads the trio towards safety and into the loving arms of their human best friends.
Join these furry friends on an adventure of a lifetime! Catch Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey now streaming on Disney+!