We can all be inspired by our favorite Disney Princess movies. Sure, we love the happily-ever-after endings, but what is most impactful is each Princesses’ commitment to never give up. What we may not have realized when watching these movies as kids is that embedded in the dialogue are life lessons that we can all learn from as adults. Read through these inspiring Disney Princess quotes and you’ll be one step closer to achieving your happily ever after:
"And yet, through it all, Cinderella remained ever gentle and kind. For within each dawn she found new hope that someday her dreams of happiness would come true." –Narrator, Cinderella

Cinderella lived in difficult circumstances. Yet, she reminds us that despite hardships we may endure, it’s wise to stay kind and not lose hope. She stays positive about her dream, and it comes true in the end. We can all take notes from her!
"You control your destiny, you don’t need magic to do it." –Merida, Brave

Merida reminds us that magic may not always be what it seems. We have control of our lives, and we can chose to live the life we want! Merida makes her own path, and inspires us to do the same.
"It serves me right for wishing on stars. The only way to get what you want in this world is through hard work." –Tiana, The Princess and the Frog

Tiana said it best. Wish all you want, just don’t forget you can’t get what you want by sitting around. Tiana diligently works toward her goals, and eventually she accomplishes them!
"You don’t lose hope, love. If you do, you lose everything. –Mrs. Potts, Beauty and the Beast

Leave it to Mrs. Potts to have the best maternal advice. Hope is the essence of everything. Never lose it!
"You don’t have time to be timid. You must be bold, daring." –Lumiere, Beauty and the Beast

Have courage! Take it from the most charismatic candlestick—it’s the only way to get what you want!
"Remember, you’re the one who can fill the world with sunshine." –Snow White, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

As long as you know you have the power to positively affect the world, you can accomplish anything. It can be as big as having your dreams come true or as small as putting a smile on someone’s face!
"How dare you! All of you! Standing around deciding my future?! I am not a prize to be won!" –Jasmine, Aladdin

Jasmine knows what she wants, and she will not let anyone tell her otherwise. Be like Jasmine and stand firm in how you see your future. Never settle!
"Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one." –Grandmother Willow, Pocahontas

In your heart you know which path is the right one. It may not be the easiest, but it will get you to where you’re supposed to be!
Looking for more quotes to inspire you? Stream Disney Princess movies now on Disney+.